Recipes: Error pages
Simplr router supports 2 kinds of error pages by default:
- Not found -page
- Forbidden/Unauthorized -page
These have special routings set up for them inside the router, and are programmed into the router.
In action this means that if a not found -page is set in the routes, it will be displayed by the router in a case where the route provided by the user is not found on the application.
In the same manner, if a guard returns a falsey value, a forbidden view will be loaded.
const routerOptions = {
routes: [
name: "Home",
path: "",
component: "router-demo",
name: "Example",
path: "example",
component: "router-example",
name: "Guarded",
path: "guarded",
component: "router-example",
guard: () => {
return Math.random() >= 0.5;
path: "not-found",
component: "not-found-view",
path: "forbidden",
component: "forbidden-view",
const router = new SimplrRouter(routerOptions);
As the error pages are routes like any other, they can benefit from the same properties and settings too.
A extremely useful setting to use with the error page route is redirect
You can easily for example redirect your users to the login screen, if they do not have the correct authorization status.
const routes = [
name: "Home",
path: "/",
component: "reportr-app",
guard: () => {
return isLoggedIn;
name: "Login",
path: "login",
component: "login-view",
path: "forbidden",
redirect: "/login",