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Customizing: Styling transitions

You can create transition animations for your views by modifying the css of the wrapper Simplr Router creates.

To enable transitions, a transitionSpeed property needs to be set in the config.

const routerOptions = {
    routes: [
            name: "Home",
            path: "",
            component: "router-demo",
            name: "Example",
            path: "example",
            component: "router-example",
    transitionSpeed: 400 // in ms

const router = new SimplrRouter(routerOptions);

Now all that is needed is to modify the css of the simplr-router-container -element.

Example transitions

Fade in out

simplr-router-container[leaving-view] {
  opacity: 0;

Slide in out

simplr-router-container[entering-view] {
  transform: translateX(-100%);

simplr-router-container[leaving-view] {
  transform: translateX(100%);


simplr-router-container[entering-view] {
  transform: scale(0);

simplr-router-container[leaving-view] {
  z-index: -1;